The SSTUWA Early Childhood Education (ECE) Committee is a standing committee of the SSTUWA representing early childhood educators in WA public schools. The SSTUWA vice president is the senior officer member and union officer Cherry Bogunovich holds the ECE portfolio.
Early Childhood Education Committee meetings are held each term.
Agenda items can be sent to
Minutes are available to those on the ECE mailing list and on request.
At the beginning of each calendar year, members are invited to nominate to become a Early Childhood Educator committee member for the current year. Should members wish to nominate as a committee member the following year, they can do so by completing a new nomination form in the following year.
Committees are restricted to a maximum of 15 people with the exception of the TAFE committee. Should there be more than 15 nominations, an election will be conducted by the returning officer for the SSTUWA. Nomination forms and details can be found here.
While the SSTUWA committees generally meet once a term, committees may meet more frequently or less frequently depending on issues that need to be discussed.
Meetings are held at the SSTUWA office outside of the school day with videoconference facilities available for those unable to attend in person.
The terms of reference below have been endorsed by Executive and will be used as the framework to guide committee discussions.