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AEU: New Tasmanian deal fails to deliver full funding for public school students

25 September 2024

Today’s announcement of a funding deal between the Albanese Government and the Tasmanian Government will lock in inequality for public schools, students and their families across the next decade.

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Number of WA private schools with more public funding than comparable public schools almost doubles over decade

6 September 2024

The extent of inequity in Australia’s school funding has been revealed in new research, showing that almost double the number of private schools in Western Australia now receive more combined government funding (Commonwealth and state) per student than public schools of very similar size, location and with similar student needs.

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New WA funding deal leaves public schools short

3 September 2024

Contrary to claims by the Cook and Albanese governments, the bilateral agreement signed by the state and Commonwealth governments on Tuesday will still leave public school students in Western Australia underfunded and not fully funded as claimed.

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AEU: 2024 NAPLAN results reveal effects of decade-long delays to public school funding

14 August 2024

The 2024 NAPLAN results have delivered a damning indictment on the failure of governments to fully fund public schools and show, once again, the urgency of the Albanese Government delivering on their pre-election promise for public schools to be funded at 100 per cent of the Schooling Resource Standard.

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AEU: Resources delayed are resources denied: AEU calls on federal government for full funding

31 July 2024

The Australian Education Union acknowledges the significant $768 million funding deal struck between the Albanese Government and the Northern Territory.

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News archive 2023

eNews - 11 April 2023 (Retired Teachers)

11 April 2023

Next meeting of retired members, Save the date: May Day, International Workers Memorial Day and School leader survey shows real outcomes

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6 April 2023

What is the National School Reform Agreement and what does it have to do with school funding?

30 March 2023

The NSRA is a joint agreement between the Commonwealth, states and territories, designed to lift student outcomes in Australian schools. It sets out national policy initiatives and reform directions that all governments agree to implement over a five-year period.

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AEU welcomes funding commitment

29 March 2023

Students will benefit the most from federal education minister Jason Clare’s renewed commitment to get every school on a path to 100 per cent of its fair funding level, according to the AEU. The Minister repeated the 2022 election promise while announcing the membership and terms of reference for an expert panel to advise on the best way to achieve fair education funding.

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eNews - 28 March 2023 (TAFE)

28 March 2023

Class sizes survey, GA21 implementation, Committee nominations, Training for lecturers

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News archive 2022

Union welcomes decision to delay WA's reopening

21 January 2022

The SSTUWA has welcomed the decision by the state government to delay the opening of WA’s borders. “While we understand that this will be difficult for many people in the community, it does give more time to make WA schools and TAFEs as safe as possible for those who work and learn there. It is crucial that this time is not wasted,” SSTUWA President Pat Byrne said.

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News archive 2021

Why standing up and speaking out matters

5 July 2021

In 2019, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, a government agency, released a report: Family, domestic and sexual violence in Australia: continuing the national story.

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Teachers' union calls for priority vaccination

29 June 2021

The State School Teachers’ Union of WA has today called for teachers to be made a priority for vaccination, in light of the state government’s decision to keep schools open during the four-day lockdown.

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Teachers and education workers call for vaccine clarity

29 June 2021

The Australian Education Union is calling on the federal government to provide clarity on the current COVID-19 vaccination arrangements, the priority group arrangements and the future roll out of the vaccine.

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