Mid-career teacher: L2.9

A teacher employed at L2.9 currently receives $113,568 gross salary and with salary increases across the three year agreement, in 2025 a teacher at this classification would receive $127,737. This represents an increase in their gross salary of $14,169 or 12.48 per cent. 

A mid-career teacher may benefit from several workload reduction initiatives being offered, including the introduction of small group tutoring to target students needing assistance with literacy and numeracy. 

As a mid-career teacher, there is an opportunity to be temporarily deployed to a teaching position in a regional school, for a period of three years. With a guaranteed right of return, this teacher could take up a role in a new school and develop their skills whilst ensuring students have access to high quality learning programs. This teacher would maintain their substantive and permanent position in their metropolitan school. 


Scenarios are as supplied by the Department of Education. These scenarios are examples only. They are not all encompassing and may differ depending on circumstances. Speak with your union rep or district organiser for further clarification if required.