Graduate teacher - regional: L2.2

A graduate teacher who commences employment in Broome is currently eligible for the graduate allowance and locality allowance. 

The department is proposing to replace locality allowance with district allowance (DA). As a District 5 location, a graduate teacher in Broome would be entitled to a DA of $8,361 gross. This is a 141 per cent increase from the locality allowance they previously would have received. Graduates will also be entitled to a graduate allowance of $2,000 gross. 

This means a L2.2 graduate teacher who works in Broome will currently have a starting gross salary of $90,089. This will increase to $105,988 – an increase of 17.65 per cent – by 2025. 

(Please note that this does not factor in Country Teaching Program or Remote Teaching Service Allowances which apply to certain regional schools.) 


Scenarios are as supplied by the Department of Education. These scenarios are examples only. They are not all encompassing and may differ depending on circumstances. Speak with your union rep or district organiser for further clarification if required.