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Dear Member,

Your actions on 23 April were critically important and resulted in a far better offer presented from the employer than had previously been on the table in negotiations for the 2023 General Agreement. 

Now you have an equally important role to play by casting your vote for or against the agreement in principle that is being presented to you.

Perhaps most significantly of all, workload reduction measures have been addressed in this third offer. The importance of these workload related conditions cannot be overstated. Survey after survey our members have told us that overwhelming red tape was reducing their time for actual teaching.

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Log into the website to view the vote now button below. Only members get a vote.

Information sessions

While the voter information session series has concluded, our organisers are avaiable to answer any queries regarding the Agreement in Principle 2023 (Schools).

Find your organiser's contact details in the member hub>> 

It’s your future. Only members get a vote.

Your rights, entitlements and working conditions as a public educator in WA are under negotiation. Reps/delegates: Download noticeboard posters here.


Members decide. Join now. >>

Agreement in Principle materials

Additional support materials

AIP23 - grad teacher - 350x200.png

AIP23 - Grad regional - 350x200.png

AIP23 - Mid-career - 350x200.png

AIP23 - ST2 - 350x200.png

AIP23 - L3.3 - 350x200.png

AIP23 - Deputy principal - 350x200.png

AIP23 - Principal Kal - 350x200.png

AIP23 - Summary table - 350x200.png

Listen to the podcast

Hear from SSTUWA President Matt Jarman about the Agreement in Principle (Schools). You can listen to this three-part series in full or as individual episodes.

Listen to the three-part series in full here.

Voting process and consequences of a yes or no vote.

Salaries, allowances, levels and selected scenarios.

Improvements to conditions, workload reduction initiatives and funding related commitments.


Attachment A - Salaries

Proposed salary rates, to be included as a schedule to the Agreement.

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Attachment D - New and amended clause wording

Proposed wording for two new clauses: Workload intensification and student documented plans. Proposed changes to existing clauses, as negotiated between the parties: Class sizes, senior teachers, professional learning.

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Attachment E - Locality allowance grandfathering arrangements

Locality allowance grandfathering arrangements, proposed to be included as a schedule to the Agreement.

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Attachment F - Union rep time

Industrial Relations Advice 12 of 2022, detailing paid time off from normal duties for union representatives, proposed to be included as a schedule to the Award.

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Attachment G - Metro to regional teacher secondments trial

Details of the proposed trial of metro to regional secondments, providing teachers in metropolitan schools with the opportunity to be temporarily deployed to an identified regional school for three years, with guaranteed right of return to their substantive position.

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Attachment H - Metro to regional school leader secondments trial

Details of the proposed trial of school leader metro to regional secondments, providing schools leaders in metropolitan schools with the opportunity to be temporarily deployed to a regional principal position for three years, with guaranteed right of return to their substantive position.

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Attachment I - Level 3.3 classroom teacher trial

Details of the proposed trial of the new level 3.3 classroom teacher position, which aims to attract highly accomplished teachers to schools in most need.

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Voting information

Member updates

Click through the titles below for more information.

Public Sector Wages Policy review 2023

In addition to face-to-face consultation, the SSTUWA has made a written submission to the 2023 Public Sector Wages Policy review. View it here.

About the Log of Claims

What is the Log of Claims?

The Log of Claims is a list of asks aiming to improve conditions for the public school system. It is used to negotiate the next General Agreement between the SSTUWA and Department of Education.

How was the Log of Claims developed?

This Log of Claims has been developed following an extensive and cyclical consultation process that includes:

  • Feedback from across our various committees.
  • A workshop at the November 2022 State Council.
  • Branch and District Council motions submitted to June State Council. These submissions were advertised for in each edition of Western Teacher from January 2023.
  • Discussions at each Term 1 District Council.
  • Draft log presented to June 2023 State Council for discussion, amendment, revision and vote.
  • Amended log presented to Executive for final sign-off.

Your representatives at June State Council have authorised the draft Log of Claims to be sent to branches for endorsement.