Proposed SSTUWA rule alterations
June 2023
This notice is to inform members of changes to the union rules that were endorsed by the SSTUWA State Council at its meeting on 9-10 June 2023. This notice includes a copy of the rule change resolutions that were passed by the State Council, together with a description of the reasons for the changes.
The reasons for the changes are in the same language as was included in the agenda for State Council and which was distributed to State Council delegates prior to the commencement of the June State Council.
It is the intention of the union to apply to the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (“WAIRC”) to register the proposed alterations to the rules, as decided by State Council.
Please note: Members are entitled to object to the proposed alteration by forwarding a written objection to the Registrar of the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission, Level 16, 111 St George’s Terrace Perth, WA 6000.
Proposed amendment to Rule 28 – Meetings of Executive:
That Rule 28(c) – Meetings of Executive, be deleted.
Existing rule:
28 - Meetings of Executive
(a) (i) Executive meetings shall be held at least four times in each calendar year at a time and place determined by the Executive but twelve weeks shall not elapse without a meeting of the Executive being called.
(ii) Meetings shall be held
* Whenever the Executive so determine or
* Whenever the President or whoever is acting in that office determines or
* Within seven days of a request in writing signed by not less than four members of the Executive being received by the General Secretary.
(b) Ten members of the Executive shall form a quorum for the conduct of business.
(c) If any member of the Executive is absent without leave from three consecutive meetings, the Executive may declare his/her seat vacant.
Reason for proposed amendment:
Rule 25A deals with the removal from office of senior officers and Executive members. Specifically, rule 25A(b)(v) provides for an Executive member who fails to attend three consecutive Executive meetings without notification, ceases to hold office. Rule 28(c) duplicates this provision and is not required.
Effect of proposed amendment:
28 - Meetings of Executive
(a) (i) Executive meetings shall be held at least four times in each calendar year at a time and place determined by the Executive but twelve weeks shall not elapse without a meeting of the Executive being called.
(ii) Meetings shall be held
* Whenever the Executive so determine or
* Whenever the President or whoever is acting in that office determines or
* Within seven days of a request in writing signed by not less than four members of the Executive being received by the General Secretary.
(b) Ten members of the Executive shall form a quorum for the conduct of business.