SSTUWA committees 2025
The following committees are for members who identify:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Committee
- LGBTIQ+ Committee
- Women’s Committee
These committees are for members who represent their respective sectors:
- Early Childhood Educators Committee
- New Educators Committee
- School Leaders Committee
- TAFE Committee
Round one
Opening date: Monday 3 February
Closing date: Noon, Monday 10 March
Results declaration: Friday 28 March
Candidates advised: Monday 31 March
Round two
Pending the declaration of results of the first round of nominations, a second round of nominations will be called.
Opening date: Monday 31 March
Closing date: Noon, Monday 28 April
Results declaration: Friday 9 May
Candidates advised: Monday 12 May
Further details about the second round of nominations, including the election notice and nomination form, will be circulated via eNews and available at
Committees are restricted to a maximum of 15 people with the exception of the TAFE Committee. Nominations must be dated, signed by the nominator and seconder and bear the written consent of the nominees or his/her agent, all of whom must be financial members of the union.
Should fewer than 15 nominations be received for a committee, Executive shall make a specific decision about whether the committee is to actually proceed.
The committees generally meet at least once a term. The term of office is 12 months and will end on completion of the 2025 committee elections. Notification of meetings is published in early 2025.
Emailed copies of the nomination form will be accepted.
TAFE Committee shall consist of members of the TAFE division, made up of TAFE Executive member/s, AEU National TAFE Council Executive member/s, and a representative from each of the TAFE branches. Note: A branch is a TAFE campus.
A branch representative for the TAFE Committee is nominated by their TAFE branch during the first branch meeting of the calendar year, which must be held before the end of February.
Where there is only one nomination, the branch needs to endorse the member as the TAFE Committee branch representative for the year. Where there is more than one nomination, the members’ names should be forwarded to the returning officer who will make arrangements with the branch secretary to conduct an election.
TAFE Committee proxy position
The SSTUWA supports the position of a branch/campus proxy rep to TAFE Committee.
The proxy rep position is to represent the branch/campus when the elected rep is absent.
Each branch/campus therefore has one proxy rep entitlement on the committee.
The proxy rep election will run alongside the committee rep elections, managed by the returning officer.
The terms of reference of the committees, as endorsed by Executive, are as follows:
- Review and revise relevant union policy.
- Assist in the formulation of position papers.
- Assist in the planning and organisation of seminars, conferences and other membership activities.
- Monitor government and employer actions under relevant legislation.
- Evaluate SSTUWA rules, policies and other positions as examples of “best practice”.
- Consider and make recommendations on matters referred by the Administrative Committee and Executive.
- Make recommendations to Executive on matters considered by the committee.