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Articles from Western Teacher

22 January 2023
22 January 2023
As the new school year dawns upon us I am delighted to take up the position of your new SSTUWA senior vice president. I am excited and looking forward to representing all of our members, and advocating for public education, working alongside the senior officer group which comprises of SSTUWA President Matt Jarman, General Secretary Mary Franklyn and Vice President Sharmila Nagar.
22 January 2023
Did you know the words you are reading are printed on recyclable paper? We did the maths to ensure we made the paper choice with the smallest environmental footprint for our magazine, using a Perth-based printing company to reduce transportation mileage.
22 January 2023
The State School Teachers’ Union of Western Australia welcomed the announcement of a new Education Minister in December’s cabinet reshuffle, with the division into separate ministerial portfolios of early childhood education and training suggesting the state government is giving education a higher priority.
22 January 2023
The state government’s desperate plans to fix the state’s teacher shortage will not address the underlying issues in the public education system, according to the SSTUWA. The union said the government’s plan to send under qualified teachers into short- staffed schools (announced late last year) was a short-sighted move which had the potential to cause more harm than good.
21 January 2023
NSW needs to recruit a minimum of 11,000 teachers by 2031 to meet record enrolment growth and the number rises to almost 14,000 if the student to teacher ratio is lowered to the national average, new research recently released reveals.
20 January 2023
20 January 2023
Challenging gender stereotypes, embedding positive role-modelling in schools and promoting gender equality are some of the ways the education system can help prevent gender-based violence, according to new reports from anti-domestic violence campaigners Our Watch.
20 January 2023
The AEU has launched a new campaign calling for federal politicians to ensure every school is provided the resources it needs to ensure every child gets the best education, regardless of their background or circumstances.
20 January 2023
In September 2019, 70 additional Instructional Intelligence Facilitators, from 20 different schools, began their exciting 10-day journey with Professor Barrie Bennett. These participants would be trained as Instructional Intelligence practitioners, presenters and follow-up support providers for their own schools. This group, known as Cohort Four, joined a total of 270 previously trained Instructional Intelligence Facilitators.
20 January 2023
The Australian Education Union has welcomed a new report from UNSW’s Gonski Institute for Education proposing a NAPLAN replacement that puts students at the heart of assessment.
25 November 2022
Research shows more than three quarters of Australians are worried about climate change. Recent bushfires and widespread floods in the eastern states have highlighted the urgent need for action, which is backed up by a new United Nations report on climate change.
25 November 2022
New data from the Australian Education Union has highlighted the Morrison Government’s failure to take responsibility for TAFE.
25 November 2022
Normally we don’t make specific recommendations about voting to our members. The State School Teachers’ Union of Western Australia is a diverse organisation. Our members are intelligent and make their own decisions.
18 November 2022
Term 4 is one of the busiest of the school year. There are so many to-do list items that need to be checked off. It is easy to get lost in the frenetic pace of the term, so planning your time is very important.
18 November 2022
Education International (EI) recently hosted a consultation event to provide feedback into the 2023 Global Education Monitoring Report on technology and education.
18 November 2022
The authors are cultural men who have undertaken learning on and through Country with Elders in NSW, Queensland and the Northern Territory. This piece is the product of their own experience and understanding and is not intended to represent the views of all Indigenous people.
18 November 2022
The Productivity Commission has released a major report on how to improve Australia’s school and university sectors. “Education is ripe for disruption,” deputy chair Alex Robson said. The commission suggests longer school days, online classes taught by qualified teachers and streaming students into ability groups to improve Australia’s educational performance.
18 November 2022
The Australian Education Union (AEU) is calling for a renewed focus on increasing public school funding, following the release of the interim report of the Productivity Commission’s review of the National Schools Reform Agreement (NSRA).
18 November 2022
The Productivity Commission has just released a review of school standards in Australia. It finds we “persistently fall short” when it comes to providing a high quality and equitable education for all students.

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