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Articles from Western Teacher

1 June 2021
The following are key questions (and the SSTUWA’s position), that need to be addressed to make any change happen to learning and physical safety in classrooms:
1 June 2021
When Minister for Education Sue Ellery launched a violence in schools policy position in 2018 there could no longer be any doubt safety in the classroom was not only a priority and shared responsibility but, perhaps more worryingly, had become such a cause for concern that ministerial intervention was now needed.
1 June 2021
Western Australian public sector unions have formed a new alliance, comprising public school teachers and support staff, health workers, prison officers, firefighters, engineers, community service workers and those in our rail system, among others.
1 June 2021
The following is a summary of a report, presented at June State Council Conference, updating the implementation of the General Agreement 2019 for schools.
1 June 2021
Protecting public education and the rights and conditions of those who work in the field were among the key messages delivered at June State Council Conference earlier this month.
1 June 2021
In many ways 2021 has continued the pattern of uncertainty, anxiety and loss that we saw in 2020.
1 May 2021
National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is marked every year from 27 May – 3 June. It is an opportunity for Australians to learn and reflect upon our shared histories, culture and achievements and our part to play in achieving reconciliation in Australia.
1 May 2021
Commencing your teaching career can be very challenging. Even after a few years in the classroom, you may still be trying to find your way. Remember though, there are several places and people you can go to for support, information and advice.
1 May 2021
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised that the following article may contain names of people who have died.
1 May 2021
The Australian Education Union (AEU) welcomes Labor’s commitment to guarantee at least 70 per cent of all public funding for vocational education to TAFE.
1 May 2021
Colleges sometimes bulk book leave periods for lecturing staff. The Western Australian TAFE Lecturers’ General Agreement 2019 requires lecturers to apply for leave as per Part 6 – Leave of Absence and Public Holidays.
1 May 2021
In the last issue of Western Teacher we looked at applying for Level 3 Classroom Teacher status as a way to increase your salary and recognise your commitment to public education.
1 May 2021
Matt Jarman has been elected as the new SSTUWA senior vice president. He assumes the role from Paul Bridge, who has taken up a role as a regional executive director with the Department of Education.
1 May 2021
More than eight in 10 Australians believe that increasing public school funding should be a priority issue at the next federal election, according to new polling released by the Australian Education Union.
1 May 2021
Taking a break from wasting nearly $4 million of taxpayers money on incomprehensible consent videos that looked like they were scripted and filmed in the 1950s, Federal Education Minister Alan Tudge has announced yet another review into teacher education.
1 May 2021
In 2019, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, a government agency, released a report: Family, domestic and sexual violence in Australia: continuing the national story.
1 May 2021
On 11 March this year the Federal Minister for Education Alan Tudge declared that he was “pleased the funding wars are now over”.
1 May 2021
The first step is to speak to your school union rep for advice. They can contact the union district organiser for further advice if needed.
1 May 2021
The annual NAPLAN tests are simply not fit for purpose, according to public school teachers and principals.
1 May 2021
Workers Memorial Day 2021 has been marked as the federal government continues to fail to act on a single recommendation of the Boland review, which was released in February 2019.

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