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Articles from Western Teacher

1 August 2021
We, the undersigned experts in education, are teachers, education support professionals, principals, early childhood educators, lecturers, associate professors and professors. We are First Nations people who collectively embody a millennia of minutes, thousands of hours, and hundreds of decades of long, hard work in the Australian education industry.
1 August 2021
More than 150 Indigenous education experts and practitioners have issued a statement responding to mistruths in relation to the Australian Curriculum review by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA).
1 August 2021
Sarah Dawkins was the 2020 SSTUWA participant in the Anna Stewart Memorial Project. She shares her experiences
1 August 2021
Casual teachers play an important role supporting students when their teachers are on leave, or a school requires additional support.
1 August 2021
1 August 2021
Along with the SSTUWA’s Mid-West schools organiser Sam Yates, I recently visited schools and members badly affected by Cyclone Seroja which tore through the region in April this year.
1 August 2021
About 81 per cent of respondents to the SSTUWA’s State of our Schools survey have considered leaving the teaching profession in the past four years as increased workloads have led to many fearing for their personal health and well-being.
1 August 2021
As you read this article materials will have arrived at your workplace to assist your involvement in discussing the SSTUWA’s Log of Claims.
1 August 2021
The collegiate principals (CP) initiative has been moving along at a pleasing pace, with the more than 450 requests from school leaders (as of late Term 2) to be involved in the program, reflecting its importance.
1 August 2021
Western Australia’s economy is handling the impacts of COVID-19 better than anyone anticipated, and we’re expecting a multi-billion dollar surplus in the next budget. But at the same time that our economy is booming, education funding per child is falling and teachers’ wages are stagnant.
1 June 2021
June State Council Conference was recently held at the SSTUWA’s headquarters in West Perth.
1 June 2021
The Morrison Government’s 2021-22 federal budget has been another profound fail for public school and TAFE staff, students and parents across the nation.
1 June 2021
The ACTU supports a recent vote by state and federal WHS ministers to regulate psychosocial hazards.
1 June 2021
Wage increases for working people are essential for the recovery from the pandemic and the arguments being made against them are in bad faith and dangerous to the economy, according to a new report from think tank group Per Capita.
1 June 2021
The Minister for Education Alan Tudge has claimed the UK as the new benchmark for education performance while ignoring serious flaws in the reporting of its results. He has also misrepresented data on school funding and student results in Australia.
1 June 2021
Being a member of the State School Teachers’ Union of WA is certainly a great investment in your career. Educators work hard to achieve our qualifications and give our all for our students, so it is reassuring to know that the SSTUWA has got you covered.
1 June 2021
NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It runs from 4-11 July.
1 June 2021
You are almost there! Holidays are just around the corner and now, more than ever, is an important time to stop, rest, recharge and stay connected to others.
1 June 2021
There are few people who have had such a positive impact on education and educators in Western Australia as Kim Dullard. We grieve his loss as a friend, colleague and mentor to many.
1 June 2021
In early November 2020 the Parliament of Western Australia passed significant changes to Western Australia’s work and health safety laws with the introduction of the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WA) (WHS Act).

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