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Articles from Western Teacher

28 May 2024
From the Senior Vice President: On 23 April, SSTUWA members stood together to bring home to the employer the seriousness of members in their pursuit of better working conditions and an improved salary.
7 March 2024
When the SSTUWA commissioned a review and the panel released its report into the state of public education in WA, Facing the Facts, we knew that things had to change in the sector to ensure its success in the long-term.
5 February 2024
On 23 January advice was sent out to all school members via eNews regarding Directives to SSTUWA members from the Executive Committee in relation to the 2023 EBA negotiations.
4 December 2023
Principals and school leaders are overwhelmingly reporting they are burnt out from workload, and more than half said in the SSTUWA State of our Schools Survey that they had concerns about their personal health and wellbeing.
31 October 2023
This issue of Western Teacher contains a summary document of the SSTUWA’s Review into Public Education.
13 September 2023
The Rural and Remote Education Advisory Council (RREAC) was established in 1997 and fulfils an important role, reporting directly to the Minister for Education. It is responsible for providing strategic advice on education and training issues and development in rural and remote areas of Western Australia.
8 August 2023
Members are at the centre of everything we do and providing an avenue for your voices to be heard is a key role for your senior officers.
19 June 2023
Last month, early childhood education (ECE) teachers were invited to participate in the SSTUWA’s first ECE Forum for 2023.
18 May 2023
Each year, elected women delegates from around the country attend the AEU Federal Women’s Conference. This is a fantastic opportunity for women members to hear from a range of guest speakers, become more aware of professional and industrial matters...
3 April 2023
Whether you are a principal, deputy, head of learning area, senior teacher or Level 3 Classroom Teacher, you are in a unique position to offer insight into the challenges public educators face on a daily and long-term basis.
26 February 2023
International Women’s Day will be celebrated on 8 March. This year’s global theme is #EmbraceEquity. “Equity isn’t just a nice-to-have, it’s a must-have.” A focus on gender equity needs to be part of every society’s DNA - and it’s crucial to understand the difference between equity and equality.
22 January 2023
As the new school year dawns upon us I am delighted to take up the position of your new SSTUWA senior vice president. I am excited and looking forward to representing all of our members, and advocating for public education, working alongside the senior officer group which comprises of SSTUWA President Matt Jarman, General Secretary Mary Franklyn and Vice President Sharmila Nagar.
25 November 2022
New data from the Australian Education Union has highlighted the Morrison Government’s failure to take responsibility for TAFE.
17 November 2022
During the 2021 EBA the SSTUWA won the claim to review part of the Country Teaching Program, an incentives package • to assist with the attraction and retention of teachers, school leaders and school psychologists to country schools. This work is about to progress and has now received unexpected stimulation following the recent announcement from Education Minister Sue Ellery to staff some country schools with a one year only additional incentive; in fact, just 48 schools.
1 October 2022
Prior to the pandemic it could be said a school’s teacher relief availability depended on a variety of local seasonal factors, which would be invariably worked through. The pandemic has unfortunately now caused an unwanted equity. Everyone is struggling, and in many cases, just labelling teacher relief availability as a “struggle” would be entirely inadequate.
1 August 2022
The 2013 National Education Reform Agreement (NERA) between the Commonwealth and state and territory governments (and through memorandums of understanding with private schools) planned a $16 billion increase in school funding over six years, 80 per cent of which was to go to public schools.
1 June 2022
By Matt Jarman Senior Vice President
1 May 2022
This article is to provide more detail to SSTUWA school leaders in relation to the Agreement in Principle (AIP) and to address misinformation that is currently circulating.
1 February 2022
The SSTUWA is pleased that members will now be able to access COVID-19 leave immediately if needed, with the requirement to first exhaust other forms of leave now being lifted.
1 January 2022
The SSTUWA is committed to working with the state government to ensure educators and students are safe when the WA borders open on 5 February.

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