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Articles from Western Teacher

13 March 2025
We know many educators look for reliable curriculum resources when teaching on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues. You can find excellent resources via Narragunnawali – a program that supports schools and early learning services to take action towards reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
5 December 2024
The latest Closing the Gap data contains some good news – there is a marked increase in early childhood enrolments for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.
10 October 2024
Books are powerful tools for educating and empowering children about the histories, achievements and ongoing contributions of Aboriginal peoples to Australian society.
30 July 2024
All Australian teachers need to be able to teach their students about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures.
28 May 2024
From the Vice President: The SSTUWA continues to remain steadfast in its efforts to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in their fight for justice and equality.
28 May 2024
National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
7 March 2024
Reconciliation WA is Western Australia’s peak body for reconciliation and partners with Reconciliation Australia.
5 December 2023
According to the federal government’s 2023 Closing the Gap report, 34.3 per cent of Indigenous preschoolers were starting school developmentally on track, compared to almost 55 per cent of non-Indigenous Australian students as of 2021.
14 September 2023
The Voice is a simple idea. The proposed amendment to Australia’s Constitution is short and sweet.
9 August 2023
There’s no better way to respond to objections than having the right information in front of you. Here are some of the objections you may hear and ways to tackle them.
9 August 2023
Opponents of an Indigenous Voice to parliament say the Voice is merely symbolic and another pointless layer of bureaucracy. They say that what is needed are “practical measures”.
19 June 2023
National NAIDOC Week will take place between 2 to 9 July, celebrating and recognising the history, culture and many achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
19 June 2023
Australia is home to the oldest continuous culture in the world and a country whose vibrant and multicultural diversity is ever increasing.
18 May 2023
The theme for National Reconciliation Week 2023 is "Be a Voice for Generations". The theme encourages all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives – where we live, work and socialise. For the work of generations past...
3 April 2023
The Australian Education Union (AEU) has affirmed its commitment to the Yes campaign for the upcoming referendum on the First Nations Voice to be enshrined in the Australian Constitution.
3 April 2023
On Thursday 23 March, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced the wording of what will be proposed in the referendum to change the constitution and recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as the First Peoples of Australia.
19 February 2023
The Australian people will soon be asked to vote in a referendum to constitutionally recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through a First Nations Voice. Unfortunately, the political debate on this question has become mired in arguments over “detail” that are either ignorant or deceitful about the nature of the proposal and the work that has been done on it.
22 January 2023
In a recent radio interview with 4BC, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said students should learn about the atrocities suffered by Indigenous people in Australia. Historical events such as massacres should be part of the Australian history curriculum. Mr Albanese added it was something that should be done without feelings of shame from non-Indigenous teachers.
18 November 2022
The authors are cultural men who have undertaken learning on and through Country with Elders in NSW, Queensland and the Northern Territory. This piece is the product of their own experience and understanding and is not intended to represent the views of all Indigenous people.
6 November 2022
The Reconciliation in Action (RIA) award recipient for 2021 is Clare Stack, from Broome Senior High School. Clare was named as the RIA recipient at November State Council Conference.

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