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Articles from Western Teacher

28 May 2024
As a beginning teacher, you are given three years (less 28 days) to transition from provisional to full registration with the Teachers’ Registration Board of Western Australia (TRBWA).
7 March 2024
One of the reasons that new educators choose to join and remain part of their union is access to advice and support.
5 February 2024
Here at the SSTUWA, the Growth Team provides specialised support to new educator members. Here are the top five things we think every first year graduate needs to know.
5 December 2023
You’re nearly there! Whether this has been your first year of teaching or your fifth, reaching this point in the school year is a massive achievement.
31 October 2023
As a new educator member, you know that your union has got your back with support, advice and protection.
14 September 2023
As public school teachers, our working conditions, from class sizes to wages to DOTT time, are determined by the Schools General Agreement and Award. This Agreement is negotiated between your union and your employer – the SSTUWA and the Department of Education (DoE). This is a lengthy process, and it starts with members like yourself!
9 August 2023
Did you know that SSTUWA members have access to five days of paid leave each year to attend union training?
19 June 2023
Kia ora! In April this year, SSTUWA Growth Team officer Chloe Hosking and I were extremely privileged to be part of the AEU delegation to the Post Primary Teachers’ Association’s New Educator Teachers Conference...
18 May 2023
Union membership has a few things in common with gym membership – the more you use it, the more you get out of it and the stronger you become. As a new teacher there is so much new information to absorb that it can be hard to find the time...
3 April 2023
So you’ve finally made it. After years of study, months of practical placements and perhaps a few weeks of wondering which shoes to wear on your first day, you’re a qualified teacher. Now the real challenge begins!
22 February 2023
So you’ve finally made it. After years of study, months of practical placements and perhaps a few weeks of wondering which shoes to wear on your first day, you’re a qualified teacher. Now the real challenge begins!
18 November 2022
Term 4 is one of the busiest of the school year. There are so many to-do list items that need to be checked off. It is easy to get lost in the frenetic pace of the term, so planning your time is very important.
6 November 2022
Western Australia is facing a deepening crisis around Government Regional Officer Housing (GROH), with teachers saying the appalling state of the system is driving many away from the regions and putting others off moving to work in the country
1 August 2022
Membership with the SSTUWA means that you are never on your own. We have our members covered but it is important to know your coverage level.
1 June 2022
Not long to go now until you are able to stop, rest and recharge after a very hectic first semester. Reports will be done, parent meetings finished and you will finally be able to turn that alarm clock off.
1 May 2022
Throughout history, workers have banded together to build an organisation that empowers them by providing them with a voice, influence and power in the workplace and beyond. This organisation is known as a union.
1 February 2022
1 January 2022
So, you have gained a contract or even a permanent position for 2022. You are totally focused on your classroom and there is a lot to do to get organised for Term 1. But it is also important to understand what you are entitled to as a graduate teacher.
8 October 2021
Political leaders should avoid drawing simplistic conclusions from the 2021 NAPLAN results, according to the Australian Education Union (AEU).
7 October 2021
State Council Conference is the ultimate decision-making body of the SSTUWA, where nominated members from across WA represent their district and have input into the policies and direction of our union.

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