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Articles from Western Teacher

28 May 2024
Be informed and have your say on your EBA.
28 May 2024
From the Senior Vice President: On 23 April, SSTUWA members stood together to bring home to the employer the seriousness of members in their pursuit of better working conditions and an improved salary.
22 May 2024
From the President: Your actions on 23 April were critically important and resulted in a far better offer presented from the employer than had previously been on the table in negotiations for the 2023 General Agreement.
5 February 2024
UnionsWA has commented on the release by the Cook Government of a new public sector pay policy which has abolished the cap on public sector wages in WA.
19 June 2023
The SSTUWA has outlined its proposal for smaller class sizes in WA public schools.
19 June 2023
June State Council Conference was the largest in recent times and befitting of celebrations held during the event to mark the SSTUWA’s 125-year anniversary.
18 May 2023
Recent anti-LGBTIQ+ propaganda at rallies across Australia has emphasised what still needs to be done to protect our LGBTIQ+ community. You would have thought that this sort of behaviour was in the past and if news headlines from the USA was anything...
18 May 2023
On Sunday 30 April at Fremantle Esplanade, UnionsWA held their annual May Day celebration, including a festival and march. Many unionists showed their commitment to supporting the Yes campaign in the upcoming Voice to Parliament Referendum.
3 April 2023
As you would have seen, your union has commissioned an independent review into the current state of public education in WA. The SSTUWA Review of Public Education, chaired by former premier and education minister Carmen Lawrence, will not only identify the current issues impacting on our public education system in WA, but also look at the much needed practical and realistic solutions.
27 February 2023
The SSTUWA wants regional community members to have their say on the state of WA’s public education system, as part of its independent review led by Dr Carmen Lawrence.
6 November 2022
SSTUWA members enthusiastically participated in the Give the Cap the Boot sticker day in October to increase awareness of the union’s General Agreement 2021 negotiations and the Give the Cap the Boot campaign.
1 February 2022
Exmouth District High School branch delegate Heather Gerrard has sent this message to the union, fellow members and to all public educators across WA. We agree with Heather’s sentiments and it reiterates why we do what we do for our members and public education in this state.
7 October 2021
The work of teaching and leading
6 October 2021
From the Senior Vice President
6 October 2021
A budget that puts our kids last
30 September 2021
From the General Secretary: Mary Franklyn
1 June 2021
In early November 2020 the Parliament of Western Australia passed significant changes to Western Australia’s work and health safety laws with the introduction of the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WA) (WHS Act).
1 May 2021
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised that the following article may contain names of people who have died.

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