Air conditioning upgrades for public schools welcomed

The State School Teachers’ Union of WA is thrilled by the state government’s announcement that it will replace evaporative air conditioners in WA public schools.
SSTUWA President Matt Jarman said the union had been campaigning for this action, including in the union’s state election position paper Facing facts: It’s time to fix education in Western Australia.
“Make no mistake, this is not just an infrastructure issue, this will improve the teaching and learning environments for thousands of staff and students and will have a direct effect on how kids perform in the classroom,” he said.
“The SSTUWA has been calling for a fully funded replacement program of evaporative air-conditioning units in classrooms to begin immediately.
“Evaporative air conditioners are noisy, inefficient and in far too many schools, are over 20 years old.
“Our members have told us they’ve literally had crayons and glue sticks melting in their classrooms, along with over-heated students trying to listen to teachers above the roar of out-of-date air conditioners.
“The state government’s announcement is the outcome the state’s teachers, school leaders and students needed.”