State Election 2025 political party statements: Greens WA
State Election 2025 political party statements
The SSTUWA invited the following parties to send submissions answering key questions about their education policy platform for the upcoming state election: Greens WA, WA Labor Party, Liberal Party of WA and The Nationals WA. Each party was contacted in the same manner, with the same follow-ups. We received replies from Greens WA, the WA Labor Party and The Nationals WA. These are those responses. The information is as supplied by the parties and correct at time of publication. No response was received from the Liberal Party of WA within the required timeline.
1. Successive governments have taken advantage of a loophole to remove an additional four per cent of funding from public schools by counting it as part of the state’s 75 per cent funding contribution. Will you commit to restoring that four per cent as an additional payment?
Yes, The Greens are committed to fully funding public schools to 100 per cent SRS, without resorting to “creative accounting”.
2. What is your position on incremental reduction in maximum class sizes?
We believe classroom teachers understand what class sizes work best. We support (and will push for) the following class size targets by 2027.
- Pre-primary from 25-27 to 24.
- Years 4 to 10 from 32 to 27.
- Years 11 and 12 from 25 to 24.
3. What is your commitment to face-to-face teaching by qualified teachers and TAFE lecturers across the state?
Our initiatives around TAFE are still being finalised, however for a general overview of our policies pertaining to TAFE, please see our Education policy at:
4. How will you increase investment in educator attraction and retention in regional WA?
We will call for all regional teaching staff to be offered permanency in their roles, and extend GROH and other regional incentives to all regional school staff.
5. What is your intent in relation to GROH for teachers, lecturers, school psychologist and school leaders, to improve housing availability, cost, quality, safety and security?
We support and will bring to Parliament the SSTUWA’s call for a 50 per cent reduction in GROH charges, and the option for employees living in GROH to salary package mortgages.
We also believe it is vital that GROH properties be maintained on a preventative maintenance schedule, and fitted with security technology including internal motion detectors, external cameras, audio and visual alarms, and security doors.
6. How will you address crucial infrastructure and maintenance issues in schools and TAFEs?
The Greens will call for an initial commitment to invest $500 million into WA state school infrastructure - followed by an annual contribution each year of a decade of a further $50 million to a capital infrastructure building and maintenance fund.
7. What is your plan to improve behaviour and reduce violence and aggression in our schools and TAFEs?
We support the targeted reduction in class sizes to facilitate better management of in-class behaviour. We also support the SSTUWA’s call for an additional 20 FTE in the number of CMS/BMS teacher consultants, and delivery of professional learning to empower teachers to deal with adverse behaviour.
8. What new or expanded initiatives do you propose to ensure more children are ready to learn from the commencement of their schooling?
The details of our early learning policy are still being finalised and will be shared with you soon.

By Diane Evers, Education spokesperson
Greens WA