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Volume 53.5 August 2024

From the President 

Maintaining solidarity vital to success

One of the great things about the half-day action school members took on 23 April was the incredible sense of unity and commitment that shone through.

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From the Senior Vice President

The State School Teachers’ Union of WA welcomes full and proper consultation on any new regional education strategy – and the key words here are full and proper.


One of the great things about the half-day action school members took on 23 April was the incredible sense of unity and commitment that shone through.
The SSTUWA has received a second offer from the Department of Training and Workforce Development in regard to the 2023 General Agreement (TAFE Lecturers).
The State School Teachers’ Union of WA welcomes full and proper consultation on any new regional education strategy – and the key words here are full and proper.
The latest Department of Health and Aged Care’s 2022-23 secondary school student alcohol and drug survey has revealed shocking results that reinforces the importance of recently passed laws regulating the sale of vaping products.
Instructional strategies are any type of learning technique a teacher uses to help students learn or gain a better understanding of the curriculum being delivered.
In Facing the Facts, Dr Carmen Lawrence told us that teachers and school leaders feel undervalued, disrespected and insecure, that the sheer volume of work is exacerbated by growing complexity, that burnout must be addressed - and that more system support is needed.
If you feel like you’re paying a lot for your child’s private school education, that’s because you probably are.
This year, organisers of Earth Day have called for widespread climate education as a critical step in the fight against climate change.
There is growing support across our schools and TAFEs to address the climate emergency and embed sustainable practices across all aspects of public education.
Wear it Purple Day will be held on 30 August this year and unites LGBTQIA+ youth and allies to shine a light on the thousands of schools, community organisations, universities and workplaces that are coming together to create a more inclusive future.