Transitioning to full registration
As a beginning teacher, you are given three years (less 28 days) to transition from provisional to full registration with the Teachers’ Registration Board of Western Australia (TRBWA).
To make this transition, you will need to provide evidence to your appropriate person – normally your principal or their delegate – that you are operating at the Proficient career stage against the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers standards.
There’s no rush to get this process started straight away. However, it’s a good idea to have an understanding of what will be involved.
Your first step is to download the Guide to Evidencing the Professional Standards at the Proficient Level document from the TRBWA website. This has some great examples of evidence that might give you some ideas.
Even if you are not actively preparing to transition to full registration at this stage, your future self will thank you for collecting evidence early. Take a photo of a great assessment you wrote, a piece of feedback you’ve written or screenshot the record of a phone call you’ve made.
You can also keep track of your professional learning by logging into the Department of Education’s (DoE) Human Resources Management Information System, clicking on your professional profile, and adding an entry to the external professional training log.
DoE professional learning automatically appears in a separate log above. SSTUWA training and professional development is listed in your member info hub on our website and app.
And of course, there’s more to the work you do than professional learning. Perhaps you’ve successfully introduced a new method of teaching based on self-reflection or managed a difficult situation with a student and their family.
Have you taken part in a committee or run an after-school activity? Keep a record of these successes and add to them over time.
Whether it’s a note in your phone, a page at the back of your weekly planner, or a Word document on your desktop, you’ll be very grateful to your past self for this record when it comes time to use it!
It’s really important to arrange a meeting with your principal (or their nominated delegate) early in the process so you are both aware of and agree on expectations.
Your principal or their delegate will need to sign off on your application to transition to full registration, so make sure you understand what evidence they will need to see to do so.
Additionally, if you are in your first 30 months of teaching, you can request to join the In-Class Coaching Program.
You will be allocated a coach who will provide you with individualised support - completely free of charge.
Anything you speak about with your coach remains entirely confidential. You will be supported to develop and refine your classroom practice, participate in lesson observations and reflection, implement learning from the graduate teacher modules in practice and work towards the proficient career stage.
To apply, search “In-Class Coaching” on Ikon.
Finally, and most importantly, make sure you submit your application at least 28 days before your provisional registration expires to allow time for processing.

By Chloe Hosking
Growth Team Coordinator