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Volume 52.7 September 2023

From the President 

Trust is the key to leadership

As a primary school leader for most of my career in country and metropolitan schools, I am often asked about the key lessons I have learned about leadership and how it applies to my current role.

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From the Senior Vice President

The Rural and Remote Education Advisory Council (RREAC) was established in 1997 and fulfils an important role, reporting directly to the Minister for Education. It is responsible for providing strategic advice on education and training issues and development in rural and remote areas of Western Australia.


The Voice is a simple idea. The proposed amendment to Australia’s Constitution is short and sweet.
As public school teachers, our working conditions, from class sizes to wages to DOTT time, are determined by the Schools General Agreement and Award. This Agreement is negotiated between your union and your employer – the SSTUWA and the Department of Education (DoE). This is a lengthy process, and it starts with members like yourself!
Download the NSRA at a glance here.
There is growing support across our schools and TAFEs to address the climate emergency and embed sustainable practices across all aspects of public education.
As we celebrate 125 years of the SSTUWA this year, we have been publishing a series of articles in the Western Teacher telling the history of our union through time. This particular issue features an SSTUWA rally outside Parliament House and more!
The LGBTIQ+ and Allies Forum was held recently at the SSTUWA.
A new report published by The Australia Institute’s Centre for Future Work reveals the economic payoff of fully funding public schools would be two to four times the annual cost.