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Western Teacher

Workload reduction, job security amongst claims

TAFE General Agreement 2021

Following extensive consultation with TAFE members, the following Log of Claims has been developed and will be presented to the employer as TAFE General Agreement negotiations commence.


  • The union will not accept trade-offs or diminution of current conditions and entitlements.

Workload, hours of work and overtime

  • Reduction in weekly teaching loads (TH) from 21 hours to 19 hours to increase ARD time and all ARD may be completed off campus at the discretion of the lecturer.
  • Removal of Clause 36 – Averaging.
  • SMS class maximums to be shared with area staff and agreed to, and where necessary amended on SMS, prior to enrolments. College union/employer dispute committee to deal with any disagreements.
  • TH for alternative modes of delivery to be determined by dividing DTWD SCH allocated to the unit by TH/SCH ratios x number of students allocated to the lecturer and with a minimum TH for each unit.
  • TH for RPL to be determined by dividing DTWD SCH allocated to the unit by TH/SCH ratios x number of students allocated to the lecturer.
  • Student curriculum hours (SCH) allocated to units to be increased where they have been reduced below funded allocations.
  • Development work and scoping – where lecturers are required to contribute to development work or scoping of units or qualifications, that there be a reduction in teaching hours and lecturers to receive the project allowance.
  • Renegotiated JDF for HOPs and a review of current workload.
  • Explicit provision that lecturers should not be contacted outside of scheduled on-campus/working hours, except in case of emergency.
  • Lecturers required to attend meetings on a day when they are not ordinarily scheduled to be on campus will have their fraction increased or, if full time, be paid overtime.

Workload, hours of work and overtime (continued)

  • Reduced teaching hours for lecturers mentoring and/or supervising lecturers (new and those completing a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment).
  • Explicit provision to exclude simultaneous dual/multi modes of delivery.
  • Lecturers allocated multi or mixed levels of students in the one class be allocated additional ARD via a reduction in weekly TH.
  • Restriction on number of block release weeks that can be undertaken in a row.
  • Provision to state that a teaching timetable constitutes a direction to teach and implies prior authorisation if overtime is worked. Timetables are to be agreed to prior to the commencement of each semester.
  • Travel undertaken on a Saturday afternoon or a Sunday will be paid in accordance with clause 40.2 and on a public holiday in accordance with clause 40.3.
  • College mandated PD to be automatically determined as recognised PD for the purposes of APDT.


  • Salary increases of 4 per cent per annum.
  • Formulae for casual rates of pay that clearly include ARD component, 30 per cent loading in lieu of leave and are calculated on the relevant hourly rates of pay for permanent or fixed term contract lecturers as per Schedule G – Salaries.
  • All academic leadership positions and classifications (those listed in the Agreement salary schedules beyond grade 9) to receive increments.

Progression and leadership

  • The first grade of the salary scale to be removed.
  • Quotas for Principal Lecturer positions increased.
  • A new classification be created, in line with an ASL 1 salary, called Advanced Industry Lecturer (AIL) that would require a Diploma of TAE or equivalent and evidence of higher-level industry engagement and/or higher or additional industry qualifications.

Progression and leadership (continued)

  • A job description be developed and included in the Agreement for current positions described by colleges as, for example, course coordinators/custodians/conduits with agreed time release and leadership level pay.

Increasing job security

  • Any lecturer employed for two continuous semesters be defined as a permanent employee.
  • Part-time lecturers working a fraction higher than their permanent fraction, for a period of four consecutive semesters, to have their permanent fraction adjusted to the higher fraction, or an average of the fractions worked, automatically upon application.
  • Part-time lecturers be offered additional work prior to work being offered to new staff.

Professional development

  • A specific fund to be set up to support lecturers wishing to complete a teaching qualification and that this support be for funding university tuition fees and a partial release from teaching duties. The disbursement of funds to be managed by a committee with union representation.
  • That there be an explicit provision to support industry currency, including return to industry and the maintaining of industry tickets, certification or licenses, and time release to support such activities. The disbursement of such support/funding needs to be fair, equitable and transparent.
  • Provision for a paid three-day induction program for all lecturers, including casual lecturers, to cover and organise day-to-day practicalities and expectations related to their work role.


  • Annual leave travel concession provisions to be simplified to an entitlement paid when proceeding on annual or professional allowance leave and be increased to four entitlements per annum. “Place” to be determined as the final destination and lecturers be allowed stopovers during the journey, at any location for any period of time.
  • Leave without pay for lecturers appointed or elected to a position with the union.
  • Bereavement leave to include provision to access on notice of terminal illness, be extended to five days per incident, additional three days of leave for those organising a funeral, and allow additional time for travel from city to country and internationally. Remove management discretion in 44.7 (a) and tighten (b).
  • Provision of paid pandemic leave of 20 days per annum. Additional leave will be provided to lecturers with compromised immune systems and/or medical conditions.
  • Paid vaccination and testing leave, including time for side effects if required, be provided.

Leave (continued)

  • Provision for four weeks paid partner leave.
  • Miscarriage leave – leave available for lecturers and partners for up to 10 working days with an option of another 10 days working from home.
  • Lecturers to be entitled to a paid break of up to one hour each day to breastfeed their babies or to express milk.
  • Provision for long service leave for casuals.
  • Extra public holiday (in lieu of Easter Sunday).
  • Remove minimum requirements for length of illness during LSL/annual leave for the purposes of changing LSL/annual leave to personal leave when confined to hospital/hotel or place of residence.


  • Air-conditioning/heating subsidies be provided and/or increased and commence one month earlier and finish one month later for each category listed in the GROH Tenancy Framework.
  • Explicit requirement to appointment to a campus (headquarters), and that motor vehicle allowances apply if required to teach away from headquarters and college vehicles are not available.
  • Lecturers with compromised immune systems and/or medical conditions, and lecturers over the age of 65, be entitled to work from home, automatically, during any period of restrictions related to pandemics.
  • Lecturers to be entitled to district allowance at all times including all approved leave periods.
  • That union representative time be deducted off teaching hours at the beginning of each semester.
  • That OSH representative time be deducted off teaching hours at the beginning of each semester.


  • List of other minor changes to ensure no misunderstandings about intent of Agreement.