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Latest edition: June 2024

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Western Teacher editions 2024

June 2024 Western Teacher. Stay up-to-date on education and union news, training and more. In this edition of Western Teacher: President’s address to State Council, Reducing workload and class sizes a priority and TAFE directives for industrial action.
The stop work action on 23 April brought a number of improvements in the Department of Education’s third offer for a replacement General Agreement (Schools). Read about the Agreement in Principle 2023 (Schools), WA school funding and more in this edition of Western Teacher.
March 2024 Western Teacher. Stay up-to-date on education and union news, training and more. In this edition of Western Teacher: The Capital funding investment call, looking after leaders and teachers now: Why I left and where I’ve gone.
The agreement to deliver 100% of the SRS for all public schools in WA will be life-changing for both educators and students. The announcement begins the long work of rolling back years of neglect and underfunding of the system.

Western Teacher archives: 1990-2024

  • 202406 - Western Teacher - June 2024
  • 202405 - Western Teacher - May 2024
  • 202403 - Western Teacher - March 2024
  • 202402 - Western Teacher and Getting Organised - February 2024
  • 202312 - Western Teacher - December 2023